My Daisy has been working on a couple of badges since the Covid-19 shelter began. One of the first she completed was the Outdoor Art Maker. For Step 1, "See the Colors of Nature," Kyra sat on the back deck and painted a picture of our backyard. The step called for watercolors, but we only had acrylics on hand... when sheltering, you have to be willing to adapt! For Step 2, "Hear the Sounds of Nature," Kyra made maracas with my Brownie, Amber. They used paper cups, washi tape, and plastic forks (taped in between the cups to make handles). Kyra used rice in hers and Amber used dried beans in hers so they could compare the different sounds they made. For Step 3, "Share Your Outdoor Art," Kyra made a series of "leave no trace" paintings that showed her being responsible in nature and she described each one to me. These projects made for a very creative day for Kyra and she enjoyed expressing herself with art. Click here to check out the...