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Showing posts from July, 2021

Protecting Turtles

Chloe, Amber, and Kyra have been working on some council's own Girl Scout badges this summer. This educational video is their take action project. They are sharing three tips to protect sea turtles: 1) Fill in the holes you dig at the beach so baby turtles don't get lost on their way to the ocean. 2) Don't leave plastic bags on the beach. If they end up in the water, turtles may mistake them for jellyfish and eat them. 3) Keep track of your fishing equipment. Nets and hooks that end up in the ocean can hurt animals. Thanks to the Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida for their badge program, "GS Love Sea Turtles." Thanks, also, to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ. We had lots of fun with this badge program and putting this together!