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Showing posts from April, 2021

Earth Day Celebration for Daisies and Brownies!

Junior Troop 548 hosted a meeting about Earth Day. This video teaches younger Girl Scouts about how you can help the earth. We challenge you to use less, waste less, and recycle! During the event, Destiny shared ways to make art from recycled materials, like this beautiful Daisy made from a GS cookie box. What recycled art can you create?

GS Troop 548: Earth Day and Conservation - by Joy

Thanks to Junior GS, Joy, for creating this fantastic video about Earth Day.  Troop 548 is focusing on conservation for our Bronze Award project and Joy did a great job highlighting this important issue.  We are using this video for an Earth Day event for Daisies and Brownies.

Case of the Cracked Sidewalk - Brownie Quest - by Sylvia

This video, created by Cadette Sylvia Langston, tells the story of the Case of the Cracked Sidewalk (aka The Case of the Broken Sidewalk) from the Brownie Quest journey. Through storytelling, Brownies can learn about how kids their age reacted when they discovered a problem in their community.  Brownie leaders, you can use this video to empower your troop for helping them understand ways they can take action in their community. Thanks to Sylvia for creating this fun video!!