Looking for some at-home work for Daisies? Here are some steps to completing some of the petals... Clover – Using Resources Wisely . Step 1) Show your daughter this video about Clover’s story . Step 2) Make a collage with old magazines or postcards – being resourceful means finding new ways to use old things. Step 3) Help mom or dad make a recipe using leftovers so the food doesn’t go to waste OR brainstorm 3 ways we could use resources wisely at our troop meeting space or at school (draw a picture of it). Zinni – Considerate and Caring . Step 1) Show your daughter this video about Zinni’s story . Step 2) Brainstorm ways to be like Zinni – how can you be considerate and caring? Step 3) Make a poster or picture to show three ways you can be considerate and caring at home. Put it somewhere you will see it every day to inspire you to be considerate and caring! Tula – Courageous and Strong . Step 1) Watch this video about Tula’s story ...